2025 Michindoh Truck and Tractor Pull Association Rules


Rules as of 11/19/2024


All changes highlighted in yellow.


General Rules:





1. Michindoh Classes are:




6,000lb. Stateline Pro Street 4x4 (points class)


6,200lb. 2wd Super Stock (points class)



6,200lb. 4wd Altered Stock (points class)


5,200lb. 2wd Pro Street (points class)



5,700lb. Michindoh Modified Rails (points class)

8,500lb. Hot Street Diesel  (points class)


Open (see rules) 100% Payback



2. If at the end of a given pulling season, any point’s class that had an average number of entries less than 3 over the course of that season. That class will be transitioned to a 100% payback and will not be a point’s class for the following season or may be dropped.

3. Class rules will not change throughout the current year unless there is a safety issue with

 a rule. The decision of the board to change a rule deemed to be a safety issue will require a

 majority vote of the board.


4. All drivers and vehicles in Michindoh classes must be paid Michindoh members and possess

 a Michindoh pulling vehicle number.








5. Classes will have a random pulling order from event to event.

















6. Drivers in all classes must be entered before the start of the pull. Late entries for all















classes: If not registered ½ hour before posted start time, you will be fined $20.00 for late













entry fee.






















7. If you cannot be at the pull on time, you may pre–enter by contacting someone who can be

 there on time.











8. If you break before your class starts, your entry fees will be refunded.















9. NO refunds after class starts.




















10. The driver who is on the entry form MUST be the driver in the vehicle. If a substitute is

required, you must notify Michindoh officials before the vehicle is pulled up to the sled.


11. Drivers that make a full pull MUST be the drivers in the pull off. NO substitution will be

 allowed or the pull will be disqualified.








12. For general safety, the Head Tech Official and/or class tech official may inspect a vehicle

 at any time. This includes, but does not limit to: pumping for cubic inch, checking the fuel

system and any safety item, under the hood or in the drive train. All owners/representatives

of all vehicles at any pull site must allow an inspection to be done in his presence. A random

 pump ball will be used during registration to select who will be pumped. Anyone who refuses

 will be in direct violation of this rule and will be subject to disqualification under protest

teardown rules.

13. Only the official operating the pump and the owner of the vehicle being pumped will be


allowed near the vehicle while being pumped.







14. As soon as the sled returns and/or the start line officials call you, drivers must be ready to


pull. The driver will have THREE MINUTES to hook to the sled and tighten the chain.


After this time, the pull will be forfeited.








15. Contestant will be allowed 2 attempts to start the sled within the first 100 feet of the pull,














at the discretion of the starting flagman. Only 2 attempts allowed to start the sled in the














event of a pull off. Vehicles’ are not allowed to return to the pits if involved in a pull off.














16. The total weight of the pulling vehicle includes driver.


















17. Driver’s meeting takes precedence over all written rules.



















18. Idle speed only while driving in pit area.


















19. All electric fuel pumps must be connected through the kill switch.















20. All pulling vehicles must have a 3–1/4” wide x 3–3/4” deep opening due to NTPA rule













changes on weight transfer hooks.



















21. All pulling vehicles must have reverse lights (white lights) and neutral start switches.













Light should be mounted near hitch. This is mandatory for all classes.















22. There will be no “gimme” hooks for any driver or vehicle.
















23. All vehicles must have a working fire extinguisher.

















24. Board of Director has precedence over all.


















25. All drivers must wear approved helmets and seat belts.

















26. All drivers must have valid state drivers license.

















27. An owner cannot change vehicle and keep same vehicle number and or transfer points.













28. With an incorporated safe shut down area, all tracks will be 300 ft long whenever














possible. Rather than starting a class all over, the head judge and sled operator may














utilize some of the shut down area to extend the finish line to a floating finish if the sled













is set properly, as long as the sled will stop the class within 30 ft of the original finish














line. A pulling track may be shortened from 300 ft, to maintain a 100 ft minimum




































29. Vehicles must have a one piece, 1/4” hydro form bell housing on any straight shift. If any


modifications are made, modified area must be ground smooth inside and out. All



vehicles using a clutch and flywheel assembly will run a full block saver plate of 1/8”



steel, with all bolts possible installed. Diesel powered vehicles are exempt from this rule.


30. All flywheels must be steel or aluminum and SFI approved. No cast stock flywheels


allowed. Each vehicle owner will sign a waiver on the membership form stating that they


are running a SFI approved flywheel.








31. All automatic transmissions must have SEMA approved scatter blanket and SFI approved













32. Block spacers to accommodate multiple disc clutches must be as substantial as the block


flange to retain flywheel. This will be at the tech official discretion.





33. All vehicles must have easy and ample access to hitch to hook chain.




34. All Reese style hitch inserts must be a class 5 or solid insert. With no movement in any













35. Any engine to be pumped or torn down is allowed 1% max tolerance, due to inaccuracy


of our measuring devices.









36. All vehicles must have working hydraulic brakes capable of sliding the tires when














Michindoh Points System

The point’s structure is as follows:

1st 15 place points + 15 hook points /10th 6 place points + 15 hook points

2nd 14 place points + 15 hook points /11th 5 place points + 15 hook points

3rd 13 place points + 15 hook points /12th 4 place points + 15 hook points

4th 12 place points + 15 hook points /13th 3 place points + 15 hook points

5th 11 place points + 15 hook points /14th 2 place points + 15 hook points

6th 10 place points + 15 hook points /15th 1 place points + 15 hook points

7th 9 place points + 15 hook points/16th and lower will receive zero place points + 15 hook points

8th 8 place points + 15 hook points                                                                       

9th 7 place points + 15 hook points                                                                       


Points Rules:






















To be eligible for 15 hook points, the competitors vehicle must compete in a point’s class, and













have paid an entry fee, passed inspection, and paid full Michindoh membership dues.













Points are awarded to the vehicle, not to the driver. Each pulling vehicle will receive













placing point at each pulling event. First place will be awarded 15 points, Second place will

be awarded 14 points, and so on.








If a pull is cancelled, 15 “show up” points will be issued to those vehicles already













entered. At the end of season, all competitors will drop their lowest “place points”/ and

 distance from that drop on the season. The competitor’s lowest place points may include

 a missed event. “Show up” andHook“ points cannot be dropped.

At the end of the pulling season if there is a tie in points between vehicles in the same













class, the distances that each of the vehicles pulled at each of the events will be added













together. Whoever has the furthest total distance will be awarded the points championship












On–track disqualifications (i.e. out of bounds, loss of weight, etc) will receive last place













points and last place payout in class. If there is more than one entry disqualified in a given

 class,the last place points and payout will be divided equally among the disqualified entries.

Protest and Tear Down Rules:


You may protest (if you are Michindoh member in the same class) to have any


vehicle pumped the night of a pull by presenting $350.00 to the president or vice


president present. If found to be illegal by the pump, the owner may tear down the


engine at their expense to prove it legal or be barred from competition for one year


violation. If the vehicle in question is found to be legal it will keep the $350.00 pump fee.


You may also protest to have a vehicle torn down (if you are a Michindoh


member in the same class). The person protesting must bring $750.00 cash to the


president or vice president present. The protest will be discussed. If the vehicle in


question is to be torn down, it will have the option to do it at the track or at the nearest


suitable location. The vehicle or engine will be impounded until the tear down. The tear


down must happen with–in three days of the protest. If the vehicle in question is found

to be legal, all protest fees will go to the owner.

Any vehicle found illegal and/or refuses to be protested or teched, will be barred


from competition for one year from violation. Unless, they are willing to pay a


reinstatement fee of $500.00 to the club and prove the vehicle is legal. Any money and


points won the day of the protest will be returned or withheld by the club. If the vehicle


in question refuses to refund winnings, the amount of those winnings will be added to


the reinstatement fee.



The tech–official for the class has the right to check any vehicle they feel may be in


violation of any rules without a protest fee with the permission of the board of directors.


Causes for Disqualification:


1. Loss of anything off the vehicle (i.e.: weights, parts, etc.) while it is in motion, except in













the case of breakage in the drive–line, until red flag is waved.
















2. Loss of safety equipment or failure of safety equipment to function.















3. Excessive loss of liquid or steady stream, except in the case of internal breakage.














4. Illegal fuel and use of Nitrous Oxide.



















5. Any part of your vehicle out of bounds from start to finish while under the green flag.













6. Unsafe operations of any vehicle in pits or on track (i.e.: no hole shots, excessive speed,




































7. INTOXICATION of any driver or pit crew member or any smell of alcohol on a driver’s




































8. Illegal equipment.





















9. Leaving starting line under red flag.



















10. Un–sportsman like conduct.




















11. No reverse in vehicle.




















12. If DQ for cheating, all points and money will be forfeited.
















13. If a DQ vehicle will receive last place points in the class, and if more than 1 vehicle is













DQ, they share at the bottom of the list in the same order they were otherwise. Out of














bounds only.






















Track Preparation:


A Michindoh safety tech or officer will be in charge of track preparation and


maintenance. All event personnel will be under their supervision. Failure of event

personnel to comply will mean cancellation of the event. This rule has been added to

provide better pulling tracks. Michindoh members will also be required to assist the

officers with other track work as needed at the pulls, such as lining up pulling vehicles,

flagging, etc.